Motorcycles with Crazy Horse paint work have been featured on the covers of The following magazines:

Easyriders Sept 2004. 2 Features.
American Iron July 2004
VTwin July 2004
VTwin April 2004
Easyriders March 2000
Biker Jan 2000
In the Wind Sept 1991
Other bikes(featured bikes above pictures or click on titles to see bike examples or view picture with caption) have been featured in articles in:

VTwin magazine- Sept 2004
Easyriders magazine- Sept 2004
VTwin magazine- August 2004 - Photo by Aaron Stevenson
VTwin magazine- April 2004
VTwin magazine- Feb 2003
Easyriders magazine- Feb 2003
VTwin magazine- July 2002 (Diane's Dresser feature)

Easyriders- March 2002 (OverRun Pro-Street feature)

VTwin magazine-July 2001 (Purple Haze feature)

Ironworks- July 2001 (Crazy Horse's sportster)
AirBrush Art and Action-Feb 2001 (Crazy Horse shop feature)
Asphalt Angels- Jan 2000 (Crazy Horse shop feature)
Ironworks-Aug 99
Bike and Spikes- July 99 (Crazy Horse shop feature)

Easyriders-April 99( Stevie Ray Vaughan panhead)
VQ magazine-Dec 98 (Crazy Horse shop feature)
Easyriders-Nov 98 2 bikes in that issue,
Warrior Princess

and GI Jamie features

Biker July 98 ( Jungle Bike)
Hot Rod Harleys Pictorial 94 (Safari Bike feature)
Outlaw Biker Aug 94 and Dec 94